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Five Tips for Batching Your Social Media Content

Jun 27, 2024

Creating content can be fun, especially when you have many ideas to work on, but it’s also super time-consuming. This has many workarounds, from content repurposing and cross-posting to content batching.

Content batching helps you save time, post consistently, and repurpose your ideas seamlessly across platforms. In this article, we’ll walk through how you can create a system for content batching that lets you execute all your best ideas with enough time to spare.

What is Content Batching?

Content batching is a productivity and planning technique where you create content in batches to use over a long period. For example, you work on several images weeks in advance instead of creating a new graphic every time a post is ready to go live. This technique can help you improve the creation process for you and your business.

Benefits of Content Batching

The main goal of content batching is to help you stay ahead of the curve so you can focus your energy on other areas of your business. It also helps you:

  • Save time and energy
  • Take time off whenever you need to because you always have content ready to go
  • Create a cohesive structure for content publishing
  • Boost productivity and consistency while reducing procrastination

For anyone looking to be more consistent with publishing content, creating content in batches is a great way to do all the hard work in one go, so you have multiple options for future use.

Five Tips for Batching Your Social Media Content

1. Block Out Time to Content Batch

Start by blocking out a set number of hours in your work calendar to focus on planning your content, having this time set aside guarantees that you make time to ultimately save you time.

Think about what works best for your brain and workflow. Is it 2 hours per week? 4 hours per fortnight? Or maybe 1 whole content creation day per month?

Maybe splitting up your batching sessions works better for your creativity? If this is the case, try splitting up your batching sessions and scheduling an hour for writing captions and an hour later in the week for creating your videos/graphics.

Everyone’s process is different. Find what works best for you and your system.

2. Plan Out Your Content Topics Before Anything Else

Before you start creating a single thing, get your strategic ideas down first. Your content serves a purpose: to get you seen, loved, and sold. Start with your business goals. What do you need more of? What outcomes do you want your content to create?

Ask yourself:

  • What is going on in the world, in your industry/niche, in your business?
  • What is your business strategy? Is there a launch coming up?
  • Do you need more clients for a particular service you offer?
  • Do you need to move stock to make way for new stock?

This helps give you inspiration for your content batching and moves the needle in your business.

3. Create and Source Your Images and Videos

Once you know what message you need to convey, start creating or sourcing your images and videos to match your captions. Design on-brand graphics using tools like Canva, which allows you to create graphics directly within the app.

Pro Tip: Take multiple shots of your product or scene to have various images ready. This saves time and ensures you have a library of high-quality images to draw from when batch-creating your posts.

4. Use Templates to Get You Started and Save Time

Design templates can save you a lot of time. Canva has thousands of customizable templates. Just switch up the colors to match your branding, add your logo, fonts, and photos, and you’re set. Check out Creative Market and Etsy for beautifully designed templates for a particular look.

5. Use a Scheduling Tool

A scheduling tool takes the stress out of getting your content posted. Tools like Meta Business Suite, Later, Planoly, Buffer, Hootsuite, and Canva Pro Content Planner allow you to schedule posts in advance. Look for a tool that lets you preview your scheduled posts in your feed and see all your scheduled posts in a calendar format to keep yourself organized.

Batching your social media content is a strategic way to save time, maintain a consistent feed, and reduce stress. By planning ahead and using these tips, you can streamline your content creation process and focus more on growing your business. Happy batching!

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