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Understanding Different Social Media Platforms and tips for using them for business

Jul 18, 2024

Using social media platforms to grow your handmade business requires understanding the unique characteristics and user behaviors on each platform. Here’s a breakdown of the major platforms and how you can leverage them effectively.


People come to Instagram for three main reasons: inspiration, discovery, and entertainment. Notice how I did not say “shopping”? While Instagram is developing features like shoppable feeds, users primarily come to relax, have fun, and feel inspired. When they do shop, it’s usually an impulse purchase after engaging with the brand multiple times.

Tips for Instagram:

  • Focus on creating visually appealing content that inspires and entertains.
  • Use Instagram Stories to engage with your audience and create a sense of community.
  • Occasionally post direct announcements or product launches in a friendly, conversational tone.


Facebook is similar to Instagram in that users are there to be entertained, catch up with friends and family, and participate in groups. They are in a passive state and not actively looking to buy. Your goal should be to inspire and resonate with them, not to sell directly.

Tips for Facebook:

  • Create posts that resonate with your audience’s interests and emotions.
  • Participate in relevant Facebook groups to engage with your target audience.
  • Use Facebook’s event and group features to build a community around your brand.


Pinterest is different. It is a platform where users come with the intent to find solutions or products. They are actively looking for ideas, planning events, and making purchase decisions. This makes Pinterest an excellent platform for more direct selling.

Tips for Pinterest:

  • Use clear, actionable descriptions and links to your product pages.
  • Create visually appealing pins that link directly to your product listings.
  • Use keywords effectively to ensure your pins are discoverable by users searching for related content.

Practical Tips for Each Platform

Instagram & Facebook

  • Focus on engagement rather than sales.
  • Create content that educates, entertains, and connects with your audience.
  • Occasionally post direct announcements or product launches in a friendly, conversational tone.
  • Use Instagram Stories and Facebook groups to foster community and interaction.


  • Go ahead and sell! Pinterest users are in shopping mode.
  • Use clear, actionable descriptions and links to your product pages.
  • Create visually appealing pins that link directly to your product listings.

By understanding the unique characteristics of each platform, you can tailor your social media strategy to leverage their strengths and connect more effectively with your target audience.

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